Monday, April 30, 2018

Berkeley Book Festival review

Who attended the Berkeley Book Festival this past weekend? If you did, you left with a bag of books. if you didn't you missed out! This year had another great crowd and plenty of interested writers in what our group does. Among the plethora of books for sale were my finished short films He Takes and Returns and The Last Showing. I made some sales, exchanged business cards with  a few involved with producing and generally loved how kids ran up the table wishing to pick up a movie only to be told no by a "concerned" parent.

The festival was sprawling! Streets were lined with vendors and independent artists, and children had plenty of areas to go crazy. Half Price Books gave away books all weekend, a wonderful gesture many took advantage of (including myself!). Crows packed the San Francisco Chronicle pavilion to hear local artists discuss wide ranging topics.

Our table was overflowing with horror! Matthew Brockmeyer and LS Johnson joined our ragtag bunch which included EM Markoff, Loren Rhoads (and her amazing 199 Cemeteries to Visit Before You Die), Luke Neher, Jeff Seaman, Crystal Romero and Amber. For this year I decided to add music to create an atmosphere and keep the energy pumping, the table was delicately arranged, and we had plenty of faces to greet customers. If you missed us this year we'll definitely be back.
For me - it was a relief to finally have my short films out, and the reception was splendid.

 On Sunday I brought out the doll from He takes and Returns, mostly to occupy space left open by a few authors who couldn't attend, and boy did she turn heads. I think I'll keep her around a little bit longer...

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